

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Apa itu "EARTH DAY" ?

Salam 1 Malaysia ^_^


Ha, siapa yang perasan bila kita buka GOOGLE.COM pagi ni ada keluar gambar yang dekat atas ni? Kalau nak tahu hari ini merupakan Hari Bumi ataupun "Earth Day" yang disambut pada setiap 22 April. Mesti ada yang nak tahu apa itu Earth day kan? Apa susah wikipedia kan ada...:)

"Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network,[1] and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year.[2]
In 1969 at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, peace activist John McConnell proposed a day to honor the Earth and the concept of peace, to first be celebrated on March 21, 1970, the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. This day of nature's equipoise was later sanctioned in a Proclamation written by McConnell and signed by Secretary General U Thant at the United Nations. A month later a separate Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970. Nelson was later awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award in recognition of his work.[3] While this April 22 Earth Day was focused on the United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations.[4][5] Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues." -Wikipedia-

So, hari ini negara-negara yang menyambut Earth Day akan menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti yang lebih fokus kepada isu-isu alam sekitar. Contohnya, pemuliharaan & pemeliharaan alam sekitar, penanaman semula pokok dan memberi perlindungan kepada alam sekitar. 

Bukan itu saja, kalau U Olls klik kepada gambar GOOGLE tu. Ada kuiz yng disediakan sempena Earth Day ni, iaitu kuiz Earth Day : Which Animal Are You?

Kuiz dia macam gambar di atas ni, Cik Mimie pun cuba-cuba jugak jawab...hehehe...nak tahu jugak kan Cik Mimie ni dalam kategori binatang yang mana..So, setelah selesai menjawab 5 soalan yang diberi. Keputusan yang Cik Mimie dapat ialah.......... :)

You're woolly mammoth - So unique, you're technically extinct. But on the bright side, scientists hope to be able to clone you some day! :)

Heheheh...so, siapa-siapa yang nak cuba boleh la klik-klik di GOOGLE tu...:) Sekadar berkongsi.

P/s : Selamat Hari Bumi :)


  1. perasan jugak tadi google bertukar wajah, hiksss :P

  2. wah mammoth tu. hehehe.. nak try jugala ^^,

    saya klik2 nuff2 cik Mimie :D

  3. saya nye honey badger . natang ap ntah. hahaha

  4. Sama-sama kita selamatkan bumi bersama Google yer ^^

  5. dah cuba dapat coral ya.. hehehe..

  6. jaga-jaga.. kang saintis datang culik.. haha..

  7. kak wana tak perasan pula google tukar wajah kelmarin..seharian tak bukak laptop..huhu

  8. CT tak pernah perasan google punya icon hahaha.. kadang2 yg pelik2 tu je truja nk tau.. baguih tlg explain kat ceq yg pemalas ni..

    btw sminggu x online mmg lagi tatau apa jadi =P


sila-sila lah meninggalkan jejak jari-jemari anda